Not literally...obviously. We had to take the loooong way back to our place from over the mountain and we, well, I, spotted this great place on the side of the road with great light. So, I forced J out of the van and made her pose. I'm not sure if she likes me doing this all of the time, but who can stop me?
I realize there are only a few poses her with a number of variations, but I am trying new ways to process images, so I am experimenting a little...
I have four more to post, but lame Blogger isn't letting we'll do it later.
On the second and third photos, is that an overlay or an action? If so, where did you get it? very cool! Are you planning for your county fair yet?
wow! those look great!
Ginger said Janese looked absolutely radiant in these pictures and she wold have guessed Janese was certainly catch her beauty. lv mom
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